The management of Remco Systems Ltd considers the health and safety of its employees and third parties to be of paramount importance. To achieve this, the company is developing a management system which can be externally accredited to OHSAS 18001. The system is designed ensure the following:- The hazards for completing works have been identified, the risks assessed and control measures implemented to ensure the work is carried out safely. Remco Systems Ltd will provide the necessary instruction and training to ensure employees are competent to carry out the work allocated to them. The responsibility with regards to safety of each employee will be determined and explained to the individual. Competent persons will be appointed to ensure the policy and procedures are adhered to. The company expects each employee to work safely with due consideration for the safety of themselves and others. Publish and maintain an organization and arrangements for the planning, control, monitoring and review of our management of health and safety performance to ensure the continual improvement. Compiling with all relevant legislation will be a minimum standard. Carry out reviews of the system on a quarterly basis. The policy statement will be reviewed as a minimum on an annual basis. The objectives of this policy can only be achieved with the cooperation of all other parties. Remco management will proactively seek the involvement of parties who may be affected by our works in particular the company employees. A safe working environment is the number one priority to the Company. All employees have a vital role to play in seeing that Philtech Installations are recognized as a leader in this field. Chief Executive.
April 2010